A Message from the SoACE Board of Directors

Ongoing conflicts and acts of violence within the US and outside the US have a real impact on our members regardless of their identity group. As the Board of Directors on behalf of the Association, we condemn terrorism and violence in all forms and acknowledge the tremendous pain and suffering in Israel and Gaza — both for those directly affected and any member with personal and cultural ties to the region. 

This is an extremely emotional and heartbreaking situation not only for our members who identify as Jewish or Muslim but for all of us who have compassion for people suffering through so much loss. We encourage members of our Association to access the resources within their organizations to get support, to show support, and/or to educate themselves about the history and context of the violence in the region. 

Whether we have been impacted directly or indirectly by this war, let us acknowledge our pain and work toward healing and real change in a meaningful way in our communities, homes, workplaces, and Association.

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