Membership Search / Directory

The information provided in the directory is available to SoACE members only. To continue below, you will be asked to log-in.

SoACE Member Search Tool

We have made searching even easier! You may search for other members by a variety of factors, including location, representative specialty, and institution type. You may select or leave blank any criteria to define your search.

SoACE Member Search

Full Member Directory

Alternatively, you may view the entire directory in alphabetical order.

View/Search the Entire Directory

Uploading Photo/Logo to Your Profile

To upload your personal photo or institution's logo to your profile, follow these steps:

  1. View "My Profile
  2. Select "Change Profile Picture," under the My Profile sub-menu.
  3. Select "Choose File" and then click Upload (maximum width 160px; maximum file size 8MB)

Please also take a moment to double check your profile information for accuracy.

If you have any questions, contact the SoACE Office.


Thank you 2023 - 2024 Annual Association Sponsors!