SoACE Supports the Asian Community

The Southern Association of Colleges and Employers extends deep concern for our colleagues, students, and friends in the Asian, Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Community after the tragic events that occurred in Atlanta, Georgia earlier this week.  We condemn the acts of violence, discrimination and hate crimes displayed toward the AAPI community.             

Hate crimes have grown exponentially across the country over the last year. The Stop AAPI Hate, database was created at the beginning of the pandemic as a response to the increase in racial violence and has received 2,808 reports of anti-Asian discrimination between March 19 and December 31, 2020.

SoACE values cultural inclusion and we believe that all people deserve to feel safe and to be supported in our country. SoACE supports the sentiments of our national organization, NACE, in their call to action below. 

“The Asian community needs us all to step up and demonstrate our solidarity. We must all speak up, call out, and condemn violence, racism, discrimination, stereotyping, and hate. In addition, let each of us evaluate how we can make a difference, in small and significant ways. It will have an impact. At NACE, we are committed to doing so. By being part of the solution, we can work together to produce a college educated workforce that is free from discrimination and hate, and one that is rooted in equitable outcomes” (NACE, 2021).

We urge all SoACE members to make our collective voices heard against these disgraceful acts of hate and to stand with the AAPI community in the fight for justice for all.

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